Folding Mobility Scooters are some of the most talked about and desired devices on the market. Below you will see the most common questions you need to know when purchasing a folding mobility scooter.
Are the folding mobility scooters easy to fold?
Answer: Yes, In most case there is only one or two levers to pull and the scooter will fold up.
Do some of the folding mobility scooters come with a remote that automatically folds the scooter.
Answer: Yes. Certain models can be folded by using a remote.
What is the weight capacity of a folding scooter?
Answer: This varies on the model but the weight can be anywhere between 220 lbs and 350 lbs on average.
What does a folding mobility scooter weigh?
Answer: The folding scooters can weigh between 29 and 59 lbs. Please keep in mind that some manufacuters don’t factor in the batteries or the seat when giving this weight.
Are the Folding scooters easy to put in a vehicle?
Answer: This all depends on who is putting the device in the vehicle. I would recommend finding somethig that weighs similar in weight and picking it up and putting it in your vehicle. If you know of a local company that carries the device in stock go try and put the device in your car to confirm for yourself.
Can the seat height adjust on a folding mobility scooter?
Answer: In most cases no, but there are some models that give you the ability to adjust the seat height.
Can you take a folding mobility scooter with you on an airplane?
Answer: Yes, but make sure you confirm with your airline the make and model as the airlines have different standards